I need some help with Mono-D.
I am on Linux 64 and I try to use both DMD 2.958 and GDC-4.6.3
However, I find difficult to:
-set the Toolchain per project; apparently, only global option
(Edit->Preferences->Other->D->Compiler Toolchains) exists
-add libraries per project; again, only global option
(Edit->Preferences->Other->D->Compiler Toolchains->Default
Libraries exists)
-the GDC toolchain keeps passing some unknown parameters to the
compiler: for example, for the "Debug ARguments"->"Executable",
the passed arguments are:
-g -debug $sources $libs $includes -od$objectsDirectory -of"$exe"
of which all of "-debug" and "-od$objectsDirectory" and
"-of"$exe"" are unknown to gdc (and similar for the others Build
And finally: what should I put in that "Default Libraries" test
box for DMD and for GDC toolchains to link with some C libraries
that the gcc accepts as "-lmediastreamer" and "-lortp"? I should
mention they are shared libraries: /usr/lib/libmediastreamer.so
and /usr/lib/libortp.so, so there is no .a file that DMD could
Compiling with gdc from the command line and adding
-lmediastreamer -lortp works! Why Mono-D cannot be convinced to
create such a simple compilation line?
I use MonoDevelop with (apparently) the latest Mono-D,
ie. 0.3.5, installed according to:
Thank you