"dnewbie" <r...@myopera.com> wrote in message 
> dpj is a mini-ide for the D programming language.
> http://my.opera.com/run3/blog/2012/05/20/dpj

That's a good start! Not bad. Is it written in D?

A few notes:

- It's much faster to just pass all the files to dmd at once and 
compile/link all in one step. So, instead of this:

dmd -wi -c a.d -ofoutput\a.d
dmd -wi -c b.d -ofoutput\b.d
dmd -ofa.exe output\a.obj output\b.obj

Just do this:

dmd -wi -ofa.exe -odoutput a.d b.d

It's a lot faster, plus in my experience compiling separately can sometimes 
lead to linking problems (somehting to do with how dmd handles templates, I 

- To support things like ldc, gdc and dvm (via ldmd, gdmd, 
dvm-current-dc.bat, etc...), the config file should take a path to the 
actual exe or bat (such as dmd.exe) the users wants to run, instead of just 
the path to "dmd.exe".

So like "dmd_path=C:\D\dmd2\windows\bin\dmd.exe" insetad of 

- The first couple times I made a new project I got some error about it not 
being able to copy a template. But then it seemed to work ok anyway. I don't 
remember exactly what it said, and it doesn't seem to be happening anymore 
(don't know why) so I can't check.

- It *seems* to start up with a default blank project, but you can't use it. 
You still have to go to "File->New project". That's a little confusing.

- It'd be good to be able to select and copy the text in the compilation 
panel at the bottom.

- It'd be intuitive to be able to add files to a project by right-clicking 
"D source files" or whatever and then have "Add file(s)..." in a drop-down 

- More features and configurability with both building and interface would 
be nice to have in later versions, ie more bells and whistles ;)

I love that the interface is super-fast, light on memory, and uses the 
native system controls. And the automatic build management and "Help" links 
are really nice to have.

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