On Wednesday, 1 August 2012 at 11:56:48 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
Well this doesn't do a lot in the way of substantiating. I do want to be illuminated. I want to get DVCS! And my understanding is that we need to branch whenever we plan a new release, and cherry-pick bugfixes from the mainline, and such.

Disregard what I said about cherry-picking – while it would work, I was thinking too much in terms of SVN here. With Git, the better choice usually is to make all the commits which should end up in the release directly on the release branch, and merge that branch periodically back to master. If all the commits from the release branch should also make it into master, which is usually the case, you don't end up with two logically separate commits in the same repository this way.


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