On 8/1/2012 10:30 AM, Brian Schott wrote:
First: This is not a release announcement.

I want to let people know that Dscanner *exists*.


It's a utility that I designed to be used by text editors such as VIM,
Textadept, etc., for getting information about D source code.

I've held off on anoncing this in the past because I don't think that it's
really ready for a release, but after seeing several of the threads about lexers
in the D newsgroup I decided I should make some sort of announcement.

What it does:
* Has a D lexer
* Can syntax-highlight D source files as HTML
* Can generate CTAGS files from D code
* VERY BASIC autocomplete <- The reason I don't consider it "done"
* Can generate a JSON summary of D code.
* Line of code counter. Basically just a filter on the range of tokens that
looks for things like semicolons.

It's Boost licensed, so feel free to use (or submit improvements for) the

I suggest proposing the D lexer as an addition to Phobos. But if that is done, its interface would need to accept a range as input, and its output should be a range of tokens.

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