On 03-Aug-12 20:57, Philippe Sigaud wrote:
On Fri, Aug 3, 2012 at 10:25 AM, Mike James <f...@bar.com> wrote:

Well, I installed "by hand" on windows, as I did for the previous
releases and nothing links anymore.
Then, at home, the same for linux. I did the exact moves/copies I did
for 2.057, 2.058 and 2.059 and I never had this problem before.

So now, all my DMD installs are broken :) What was changed in this
release exactly?

What Jonathan, what do you mean by old .di files? I never create any .di

If you (like I did) just extract zip over your dmd installation this could lead to unpleasant surprise as some files should be now deleted yet new compiler will happily pick up old ones and get to a link error.

Just obliterate your previous installation before setting up new one :)

Dmitry Olshansky

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