On Tuesday, 14 August 2012 at 22:34:00 UTC, Jesse Phillips wrote:
Not really a positive announcement but the beloved wiki site has not been accessible yesterday.


Here are alternate URLs that do still work:
  * http://www.wikiservice.at/wiki4d/wiki.cgi?FrontPage
  * http://www.wikiservice.org/wiki4d/wiki.cgi?FrontPage
  * http://www.wikiservice.com/wiki4d/wiki.cgi?FrontPage

See also:

I've sent an e-mail to Helmut asking about the situation, but it
wouldn't hurt to back up the current version of your favorite
pages in case the remaining domains are expiring soon, too.

We could also consider moving the wiki to another system.
Different ideas have been suggested before. I don't have a server
to donate, but I think there are still some wiki farms around
that offer free wikis running MediaWiki. Also, we could explore
using Google Sites, Markdown in GitHub, etc.

If we did go to a new wiki system, I'd like to establish better
security to prevent link spam. We could start off with having a
small team with write-access and we could liberally grant
permission to new team members as people express interests (if we
used a GitHub solution, we could accept pull requests, too). I
don't want to be in charge of a transition project, but I'd be
willing to help out.

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