On Friday, 24 August 2012 at 02:23:04 UTC, F i L wrote:
Jonathan M Davis wrote:
Well, since it'll be years before we even consider creating D3, we're in trouble if we need D3 for D to be successful. D2 isn't perfect, but it's still a very solid language and outshines more entrenched languages on a number of levels. I'd expect that its lack of adoption is primarily a marketing issue.

I think you misunderstand my intent. D2 will carry D to far reaches, and is a very usable, and now stable language; and I know D3 won't come for years. That said, there are language issues that, as you put, simply can't be addressed in D2 because they're not worth the effort required to fix them. I only meant that I think once D3 does come around, and it's *perfect*, that others simply wont be able to resist it and it will truly be adopted on a mass scale.

There's no such thing as a perfect language.

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