On Sunday, 7 October 2012 at 16:18:27 UTC, Sönke Ludwig wrote:
The documentation generator used for vibed.org (e.g.
http://vibed.org/api/vibe.core.file/FileStream) is now available as a
stand-alone project:


also available as a VPM module:


 - Supports DDOC sections and macros
 - Fully interlinked types
- Automatically inherits members and documentation from base classes - Clean structure without endless spaghetti pages (customizable)
 - Diet template based and thus fully customizable output
 - Built-in HTTP server for local docs serving
 - Easily embeddable into existing vibe.d based sites
 - Can generate offline documentation as HTML files
 - Function for filtering the DMD .json file by module prefixes,
protection level and doc comment

Can it be used for Phobos documentation on dlang.org?

Also see my previous post, "Getting started with D - Phobos documentation sucks":

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