On 10.10.2012 09:06, Jacob Carlborg wrote:
On 2012-10-10 08:38, Nick Sabalausky wrote:
Some stuff I thought needed to be said and shared:


Personally, I would have pointed out that there are some other useful
modules in Tango that Phobos still is missing, cryptographic and log
related modules.

Here are some other things that I can't remember seeing in Phobos 2:

- An easy-to-use Process module with piping, etc
    (Yes, I know it's been in the pipeline for some time.)
- A cross platform way of loading dynamic libraries
    (std.loader always sucked, you had to customize it to actually use it)

There could be some others that I'm forgetting.

In my view, D2/Phobos2 is still playing catch-up to D1/Tango. The D1 compiler is less buggy, Tango is still better than Phobos2, library could well be better.

I wouldn't recommend anyone to start a new project in D1. But I also feel that some people are jumping the gun when they talk about D2's maturity.

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