If I recall correctly, Squeryl use Scala AST macros to support a query syntax, that in D would look, as below:

class Person : Model { }

void main ()
    auto p = new Person;
    p.name = "John Doe";

    p = Person.where!(x => x.name == "John Doe");

If you make x some fancy wrapper type containing more fancy wrapper types with overloaded equality operators that return some sort of Expression class instead of a boolean, you might actually be able to get this to work with only D's current features. However, that would kind of destroy the hope of efficiency. :)

What might be nice is a database written in D that completely eschews SQL in favor of a native API. I might have to play with that eventually, but I'll probably give it a while because it would be a huge project, and, like most people, I'm under time constraints. :)

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