Am Mon, 29 Oct 2012 08:50:19 +0100
schrieb "BLM768" <>:

> > I am working on similar project, named SQLd[1]. If you are 
> > interested, we can join forces and work togheder :)
> >
> > IRC Nick: Robik
> > [1]:
> That might be a good idea. I haven't done much for supporting 
> different databases, so getting more backend support would be 
> quite nice. What might work well is for me to just refactor my 
> code to sit on top of your existing database classes. So far, 
> I've really just been playing around, but if people show enough 
> interest, I'd like to play with the idea a while longer. :)

I would use such an ORM library, too. It is definitely worth
the effort. Currently I use something that just helps me a bit
with fetching and updating entries in tables, but goes in the
same direction of using only structs for table rows.
Here are some database bindings from wiki4d that others have
Some are for D1 though. But now that you are team you may want
to look at those bindings for some inspiration, so you don't
get locked in on SQLite3 too much :p


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