On Friday, 21 December 2012 at 22:00:27 UTC, Rob T wrote:
I get a few compilation errors using dmd 2.060,

nothrow that can throw, pure that calls impure, as well as several warnings such as unreachable code and warnings concerning @safe and @trusted.

After patching some of it up to get rid of the fatal compile errors, this last error left me scratching my head

[Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'pong-debug'

I had to give up, but I'm still interested in getting this game to work, so please let us know when you manage to solve these problems. thanks!


Are you sure you cloned ICE, not DPong?
DPong was an older project that is unmaintained; although ICE reuses
some of its code.

ICE is developed with 2.060 and there're no compile errors there
(although there are some warnings due to keeping backwards compatibility with
DMD 2.058)

ICE git repo: https://github.com/kiith-sa/ICE

I did a grep and found some mentions of "pong" in ICE codebase, but it was just comments and an outdated packaging script (which I removed).
Nothing that would affect compilation.

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