On 2012-12-21 19:02, Lars Ivar Igesund wrote:
Dear D community,

I've been urged by many others to post about Amber here. It is a
programming language being derived from D1, with a compiler written
using D1 and Tango, with LLVM and C backends. The quality of code and
documention is alpha (or pre-alpha).

A bit late but:

It looks basically just like D1 with some additional features and some cleanup of the language. Which is kind of nice. There are several new features in D2 I really like and some that I don't like that much.

The "guard" statement looks nice but is there any real difference compared to "scope" together with "Object.dispose"?

I would really like to see some more information about the new features, like annotations.

I think it's good to see that some of the developers from the old Tango days are still involved with D (kind of). At the same time I think it's sad to see that the community is still divided. Now D2 in one corner and D1/Amber in the other. I understand why you're doing this. I'm feeling the same way, quite often, about how D and the community is run

Personally I've moved almost all of my projects to D2. I'm still using Tango, kudos to SiegeLord. These days I'm trying to be less political and more practical. I'm using what works and what I think works best. If I need XML I'm using Tango, if I need regular expression I'm using Phobos.

/Jacob Carlborg

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