Al 03/01/13 09:26, En/na Russel Winder ha escrit:
> On Wed, 2013-01-02 at 20:31 +0100, Jordi Sayol wrote:
> […]
>> Walter, to avoid this problem you can install a "rolling" release like Linux 
>> Mint Debian Edition, based on Debian testing.
>> You just need to keep it upgraded with "mintUpdate" manager (shield on 
>> panel). Read the "Update pack info" before.
> Sadly Debian Testing, outside of a freeze period prior to a Stable
> release, has this habit of allowing Britney to delete important
> packages. Despite the statements put out by Debian, Debian Testing is
> not a viable rolling release. Debian Unstable is the only viable rolling
> release. Even then during a freeze it is irritating.
> Has Linux Mint Debian Edition got a fix for this problem with Debian
> Testing?

1. LMDE is not Debian Testing, it's based on Debian Testing (not shared 

2. They update differently. Debian Testing constantly receive updates. Instead, 
LMDE releases “Update Packs” every few months (tested snapshots of Debian 
Testing). So we can call it "semi-rolling release".

3. LMDE has not deadline, unlike Debian Stable, Ubuntu, Fedora, OpenSUSE, etc.

Anyway, nobody is forced to use it. Until today, I've not found yet a "perfect" 
Linux release.

Best regards,
Jordi Sayol

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