Am 04.02.2013 20:16, schrieb Dejan Lekic:
Paulo Pinto wrote:

Am 03.02.2013 19:58, schrieb bearophile:
Dejan Lekic:

In real projects people do the job as best as they
can at the moment,

But often there's also some need for:


If only most companies I worked for cared about it, or for
that matter unit tests. :(

I understand the girl is a researcher. They, especially if they are PhD
students, have very strict deadlines, and have milestones to do. Finally, they
in most cases work ALONE. With all due respect, but I find it disrespectful to
criticise immediately the implementation, especially if it is something pretty
serious. Finally, such critic, pull request, suggestion, whatever, should be
directed *to the author herself*, or on project's mailing list, bugtrack, etc
instead of posting here. Don't you agree?


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