Hello everyone :-)

I follow this newsgroup from time to time. I like D templates. I like the auto keyword. I like auto in templates. I love efficiency and expressiveness.

I believe in smart compilers.

(you might remember me: I'm the author of Descent)

I *really* like D, because it cares about one thing I care about: *performance*. Let's save this world's energy. Let's make a better world. Let's make users' life more enjoyable. Let's be happy :-)

But... do we really have to specify const pure safe nothrow and whatnot? Can't the compiler be smarter? I'm sure there must be a better way. Most new programming languages look like older ones. Newness comes slowly...

One time I asked in this newsgroup if it was possible to have an "auto" keyword for function/method arguments. And... why not make all functions/methods be templates on the type of its arguments?

I think nobody liked this idea. I said "Ruby is like this: you never specify types in method definitions".

"But Ruby is not efficient". "Ruby is a dynamic language". "D is compiled, so it's faster". "Don't make the mistake of comparing a dynamic language with a static/systems programming language". This were some of the answers I got.

I started thinking about this idea: a compiled language that looked like a dynamic language. Is it possible?

Today, I'd like you to take a look at what me and my friend Juan have been working on for the last half month or so. It's a new programming language which aims to be efficient, have similar syntax to Ruby, and where you never have to specify types of variables and arguments.


I'd also like to ask you:

1. Do you know whether a similar language exists?
2. Do you think it's feasible? Right now we are getting rather high compilation times (say, a minute) if we use lots of generic classes on medium-large programs. We are still trying to think of the best way to improve compilation times while at the same time taking off programmer's burden.

(The compiler is written in Ruby, which is a bit slow, so that might be one reason it is a bit slow on medium-large programs... imagine Ruby might be 10 to 100 times slower than C, so that minute might be reduced to less than a second... we are currently working on bootstrapping the compiler... but if compilation is on an exponential order, well, you know... ... and the compiler is written in Ruby because it'll later (now?) be easier to port to Crystal, which has a very similar syntax)

I ask about feasibility, but right now you can use this language for small to medium programs (except the standard library is still incomplete).

The goal of this programming language it so be as efficient as possible, but probably it won't be as efficient as C in the general case. But... who knows?

We are also thinking about incorporating concurrency features, like the ones present in Erlang and Go.

In short: utopy =o)

I hope at least someone likes this project...

(I hope at least you, Jacob Carlborg, Ruby lover, find it interesting... or maybe you, bearophile?)

Thanks for your comments,

P.S.: bin/crystal -e 'a = 0; 10.times { |i| a += i }; puts a' -O3 -ll

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