On 2013-02-25 05:31, alex wrote:
Hi folks,

I recently just announced new versions only on G+, but well,
might be helpful to do it over here either! :)

So, now that I've ported Mono-D to the fresh & recently released
version of Xamarin Studio aka MonoDevelop 4.0, I made some
further progress regarding code completion & parser library

Kinda embarassing to let Mono-D support huge amounts of slighty
advanced completion/building/formatting features, but not
"simple" ones which occurred in one of Walter's D tech talks on
component programming in D (see

void main()
     map!(a => a.idup).

By now, only the first statement line can be completed & handled
entirely. array, sort and copy shouldn't be problematic either
but the map function is still causing a lot of confusion to the
semantics engine..well, I try to keep it going - meanwhile,
please keep 'contributing' bug reports! Also smaller completion
issues, I want to know all of 'em! ;)


I did a quick test of Xamarin Studio with Mono-D, in general everything seems to work better and faster. I'll give a more a throughout testing later.

Good job.

/Jacob Carlborg

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