On 06.06.2013 21:42, Diggory wrote:
Interesting talk. It seems there are a few features D could provide
which would make for some more powerful GCs:

- Hook for when generating code which reads/writes a pointer allowing GC
to put in read/write barriers where necessary.

- Hook for union assignment so that the GC could emplace the correct
type bits

- Hook for passing pointers to extern(XXX) functions so that the GC can
pin the arguments allowing a compacting GC

There are also D functions annotated extern(C) to subvert the module system. It might be a bit expensive to pin any pointer passed to such function.

- Hook for function call/return so that stack type-info can be stored.
There's actually another way to do this which would have less overhead -
at compile time the compiler could write the address range of each
function along with a bitmap for possible pointers in that function to
some known location. When the GC runs it could unwind the stack and look
each frame pointer up in the list of functions to find the bit pattern
to use. When calling a function that does some low-level stuff and might
prevent the unwinding from working correctly it would be possible to
switch back to conservative mode until the function returns.

I was considering something like that too (AFAICT exception handling on Win64 works similar), but the problem is to actually properly unwind the stack. If you have called some C function with a callback into your D code, stack unwinding might not be able to find the correct stack frames above the C function, so that you don't scan the stack above that.

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