On Thursday, 27 June 2013 at 21:39:28 UTC, ixid wrote:
-You could start taking donations and hire some people to work on

This doesn't work as it's a volunteer project. Why should someone get paid when others give their time for free? It would create conflict while being a less effective application of funds, D already gets more than one or two people years of effort per year. A better use of the money is another D conference which has been a huge success and generated both ideas and much greater interest and exposure for D.

I don't think paying people should be out of the question, if there was money available.

There are often jobs that need doing on a project the size of D that aren't fun, stimlating or interesting, but are still absolutely necessary. Trawling through documentation for any errors/omissions etc. comes to mind.

These tasks could be split up in to manageable chunks and offered as freelance contracts for a modest but reasonable wage, dependant on urgency, technical skill needed etc. E.g. If someone would pay me even as little as $15-20 an hour to go through phobos enforcing the style guide everywhere or chasing up old bugs in bugzilla, I would happily put in a few hours a week. For a student that sort of money goes a long way. (Not suggesting that paying per hour is a good idea necessarily, just illustrating the point with an example)

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