On Sunday, 30 June 2013 at 09:34:14 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
On 6/29/2013 11:39 PM, Joakim wrote:
What do you think of my idea of segmenting the market though? Keep providing a free-as-in-beer dmd, like you are now, for the people who want it, while Remedy and others who want performance pay for a dmd that puts out more performant code, with those improvements slowly merged back into the free dmd over time.

It won't work. Those days are gone.
I disagree.  We'll find out.

If you are not interested in selling a paid compiler yourself, I've noted that there's nothing stopping someone else from doing this. They can take the dmd frontend under the Artistic license, compile it with the BSD-licensed llvm backend and boost-licensed druntime and phobos, and sell a paid compiler,
without any permission from you or any other D contributors.

You could not do anything legally to stop this, as the permissive OSS licenses allow it. However, as one of the main authors of this code, do you have any
preference for or against someone taking your code to do this?

Part of issuing it under a permissive license is I won't try to block someone from doing whatever they want to that is allowed by the license.
I understand, but that wasn't exactly my question.

I wondered if you have any opinion on such code reuse, if someone takes your code and closes it, even if you wouldn't try to block it because you have already released it under a permissive license.

Some wouldn't try to close the source if you expressed a preference that it not be done- I have no such compunction, if the license allows closing source, but others might- just wondering if you have an opinion or preference on your source being closed up.

Thanks for all the great work you have done on D and the dmd compiler. As much as I'd like to see a commercial implementation, it is amazing how much you have given away for free. :)

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