On Thu, 27 Jun 2013 22:49:41 +0000, Graham St Jack wrote:

> On Thu, 27 Jun 2013 07:44:07 +0200, Rob T wrote:
>> This build system seems to be very well suited for building complex
>> large projects in a sensible way.
>> I successfully tested the example build on Debian linux. I will
>> definitely explore this further using one of my own projects.
>> One issue I immediately ran into, is when I run bub incorrectly it
>> hangs after writing the "bail" message to console. ctrl-c does not kill
>> it, and I have to run a process kill commandto terminate.
>> Seems it gets stuck in doBailer() while(true) loop, but I only glanced
>> at the source quickly before posting back here.
>> --rt
> I recently made a big change to the inter-thread communication code, and
> there are a few problems there still. I will look into it.

Fixed the problem, and also:

* split bub.d up into several smaller files,

* added a Makefile to bootstrap the building of bub, and

* added a bub.cfg and Bubfile as a trivial example of how to use bub.

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