There are many cases where you do not know in advance what type of data is being received through an interface to some other system. This happens with some databases, and with messaging systems, and if you are interfacing to any dynamically or weakly typed language, such as with js/json.

I will be looking at what you did closely, so thanks for sharing! I'll also look at the interpreter, many uses for something like that too.

Originally to solve these interfacing problems, I wrote a property tree implementation in C++ that used a dynamically typed variant similar to your "var" type. With a property tree, you can dynamically generate any hierarchical structure to multiple and varying depths, great to have when you have no idea what the structures will look like in advance.

For the variant type, I added in protection for strong typing, but it could be by-passed with automatic conversion (if possible) between types. I used it to create a generalized API for sqlite databases. Later on it was used for interfacing with messages recvd/sent via json over tcp.

Later after deciding to switch to D, the first thing I did was to re-write a similar property tree system in D, and the experience was much better although with one notable exception: Unlike in C++, I could not create conversion operators that infer the receiving type when doing assignments from the variant, for example:

int i;
char c;
i = var;
c = var;

in C++ the correct "getter" for returning int or char will be called

operator int(){...}
operator char(){...}

In D, I have to resort to something a manual system like this:

i = var.get!int;
c = var.get!char;

Not nearly as nice.

I suppose i could to this
c = var.get!(typeof(c));

Safer but very ugly and tedious.

My hope is if multiple alias ever arrives it will solve the conversion issue. Do you have any insight on how to solve the conversion problem using current D, and if you think multiple alias this will solve the problem?


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