Am Sat, 06 Jul 2013 20:02:16 -0700
schrieb Andrei Alexandrescu <>:

> > * The venerable typeof


> > * For a class, enumerate all of its members, and figure out their
> > attributes (protection level, static or not, type...)


> > * For a module/namespace, enumerate all of its symbols and figure
> > out their attributes.


> > * For a function, figure out its return type and the type of each of
> > its formal arguments.


> > * Figure out if a certain function exists (that should be easy if
> > you have the tools above). That will be useful to decide, for
> > example, if an iterator supports random access.


> > * And if you really want to go meta, define metacode that can take
> > an AST node as a parameter and can visit the AST and figure out what
> > each node is. That would allow things such as loop fusion and other
> > advanced stuff. But for now, let's leave those aside.

che... oh _that_ topic. I think you have done some really good
team work there. And I may add Walter's good intuition to make
the front end reusable for GDC and LDC.
Btw, you didn't want to start a new discussion about AST
manipulation through the back door, did you? ;)


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