On 7/7/13 8:00 AM, John Colvin wrote:
I had some free time so I decided I should start a simple blog about D,
implementing some unix utilities. I've (unsurprisingly) started with echo.


It's nothing ground-breaking, but every little helps :)

Nice idea! Comments:

- The imperative version writes an extra space at the end (the joiner version does not have that problem).

- The echo utility has an odd way to process the cmdline: if exactly the first argument is a -n, then do not writeln at the end.

- It's quite likely the joiner-based version will be slower because it writes one character at a time. (Would be great to test and discuss performance as well.)

Here's a conformant implementation for reference: http://www.scs.stanford.edu/histar/src/pkg/echo/echo.c


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