On 07/15/2013 03:32 AM, Iain Buclaw wrote:

> On 29 June 2013 03:02, Ali Çehreli <acehr...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>> I have continued with the translation of the book. There are 82 of the 718
>> pages still to be translated. (However, I still need to write the UDA
>> chapter.)
>> In addition to many corrections and additions throughout the book, there are
>> the following chapters translated:
>> * Bit Operations
>> * Conditional Compilation
>> * is Expression
>> * Function Pointers, Delegates, and Lambdas
>> * foreach with Structs and Classes
>> * Unions
>> * Labels and goto
>> As a reminder, the book is available as PDF, downloadable from the header of
>> each chapter:
> All of which someone would need to translate back into English again. :o)

I am not sure that I understand but if you are referring to my broken English, then yes, it is a constant worry. (Additionally, Ouch! :p) Actually, I say in the Acknowledgments section that what I write can best be described as Inglish, not English. ;)


> --
> Iain Buclaw
> *(p < e ? p++ : p) = (c & 0x0f) + '0';

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