On 7/20/2013 2:19 PM, Gary Willoughby wrote:
I'm starting to blog a little more and in particular i've started writing more
about D. I'm using it a great deal at work now and all new stuff is to be
written in it. I'm loving every minute of this and really want to sing its 

I'll not lie though, i still need to learn a great deal to be at the level of
the engineers here but my sights are fully fixed on D and learning every aspect
of it. I've already made a small contribution to druntime and i hope to do more.

I've finally got my head around templates and i've really started to understand
their power and flexibility so i thought i would write an article as a one stop
shop for other developers who need to understand this stuff as quickly as
possible. I'd like for your verification that i have my facts straight and if
not i'll amend the text asap.

Be gentle: http://nomad.so/2013/07/templates-in-d-explained/

It's a nice blog! Thanks for doing this.

A stylistic issue:

"These are useful if you want to pass an arbitrary amount of types or values to any kind of template."

It sounds better as:

"These are useful for passing an arbitrary amount of types or values to any kind of template."

I've found in practice that nearly all uses of the word "you" in technical writing are superfluous and it flows better if they are removed.

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