Am 06.08.2013 00:17, schrieb Justin Whear:
> It looks like your D backend generates string literals with literal null 
> bytes--this is unnecessary as string literals are already null 
> terminated. (Documented here: (see 
> final bullet under "CallĀ­ing C FuncĀ­tions")

This is (was) on purpose.
I should probably change that now, since it will confuse people. I had
for a short time a mess in the generators and tried to use the D
generator to build for another language too, which required the explicit
\0 and .ptr

> Also, it looks like loading each extension requires scanning all 
> available extension names, e.g. loading 25 extensions requires 25 linear 
> scans of the extension list.  You might consider caching and sorting if 
> the number of extensions requested is more than a handful.

I was thinking of that, too, but caching the OpenGL call to
glGetStringi, I don't think you can prevent the linear searches.

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