On Friday, 9 August 2013 at 14:08:48 UTC, Rene Zwanenburg wrote:

- In your second code sample, the D translation of the C code, the line
    glfwSetWindowCloseCallback( &onWindowClose );
  should read either
    glfwSetWindowCloseCallback( win, &onWindowClose );
    win.glfwSetWindowCloseCallback( &onWindowClose );

Thanks! That was an oversight. I've corrected it.

- When explaining the difference between D Throwable, Exception, and Error, you write:
    The latter is analagous to Java's RuntimeException in that
    it is not intended to be caught. It should be thrown to
    indicate an unrecoverable error in the program.
Java uses Error for unrecoverable errors too. RuntimeExceptions are recoverable and meant to be catched. It would be more accurate to say D lacks Java's checked exceptions, D exceptions are like Java's RuntimeExceptions, and D Errors are like Java Errors.

I just removed the reference to Java entirely. Thanks for pointing that out. I've had it in my head for years that RuntimeException was for unrecoverable errors.

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