On Monday, 9 December 2013 at 14:49:05 UTC, Andrew Edwards wrote:
2) What is the process to update a branch with all changes master? I will need to do this because a lot of changes have occurred since the 2.065 branches were created but the actual betas are not yet prepared. Going forward, this is the only time this will occur.

If branch does not have own commits to be preserved and needs to just be synced with master state (assuming D-Programming-Language remote is named `upstream`):

   git fetch upstream # download current remote state
   git checkout 2.065 # go to release branch
git reset --hard upstream/master # make it identical to current master
   git push -f origin 2.065 # update own fork
git push -f upstream 2.065 # update branch in core repos, careful here!

I can't imagine any other case when one may want to update release branch from master so it must the what you need.

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