On 11 February 2014 05:56, extrawurst <step...@extrawurst.org> wrote:

> As a long time D fanboy I was known to say "That is quite simple in D" a
> lot at work!
> Now I was finally able to convience my boss (our CTO) to take a serious
> look at D as a replacement for the parts of our infrastructure that use
> nodejs right now.
> After my series of blog posts about this topic and a short presentation I
> did in the office he finally announced quite publicly today that we are in
> fact going to use D:
> https://twitter.com/Mavwarf/status/432962351059316736
> So our next online game will be powered by some parts in D ;)
> Yay!
> Exciting times!

Congrats! Looking forward to your dconf talk next year! ;)

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