On Tuesday, 25 February 2014 at 23:40:02 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
On 2/25/14, 3:22 AM, bearophile wrote:
Andrei Alexandrescu:


An interesting comment from Reddit:

klusark>I've been trying to build this for the past hour. It requires folly. folly requires some "double-conversion" library, but you can't use the default version, you have to build it with scripts from folly's source. After I finally get folly to get past configure stage I get some random python error in one of the build scripts. I just gave up at this point. I'm sure I could get it working, but the time isn't worth it.<


Ironically that's for the obsoleted C++ program. The D program is trivial to build.


You should make that clearer in the README

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