On 2014-03-12 08:06:47 +0000, "w0rp" <devw...@gmail.com> said:

This is really awesome work. If you combined ARM support with Objective C support, it would mean you could write iOS programs in D without much frustration, and that would be a huge step forward. Objective C has a good runtime, but lacks templates and CTFE. Using CTFE for an iOS program could be very cool.

How do you plan to handle automatic reference counting? I imagine that's a hard part. When I was writing Objective C I remember having to write bridged casts so I could manually extend or limit object lifetime, but I never handled it from within a C library.

Well, there's three ways.

(a) The first one is to implement ARC for Objective-C objects, and to automatically add/remove roots to member variables when constructing/destroying Objective-C objects that were defined in D so the GC can those pointers.

(b) The second one is to not implement ARC and implement something in the GC so it can track Objective-C objects: retain them on first sight, release them once no longer connected to a root.

(c) The third one is to implement ARC as an alternative memory management scheme for D and bolt Objective-C object support on top of it.

I'd tend to go for (a) at first, as it's the simplest thing that can be done. But I fear always adding/removing roots will impact performance in a negative way. There's also the issue in (a) and (b) that if the last reference to an object is released from the GC thread the Objective-C object's destructor will be called in a different thread than what is expected which might cause some bugs. So we might want to implement (c) later on to have something more solid and deterministic.

Michel Fortin

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