Well, my ISP decided that it wanted to take the night off while I was about 
half done.

  - issues.dlang.org should be functional
  - bug changes are slow due to mail sending
  - github updated to point to new site

  - old site doesn't redirect yet
  - auto tester graphs pull from the old db
  - speed up mail sending
  - copy data dir from old site (affects some functionality)

Andrei: can you change the bounty site's config

What have I left out / forgotten?

More when my connectivity is restored.

On Apr 8, 2014, at 8:03 PM, Brad Roberts <bra...@puremagic.com> wrote:

> Tonight at 11pm pacific time, about 3 hours from now, the D bugzilla is going 
> to go read-only for some much needed maintenance and upgrading.  Assuming all 
> goes well, it will come back an hour or so later as issues.dlang.org.  That 
> name isresolvable now with an old copy of the db -- don't use it yet as it'll 
> all be wiped out and replaced by a fresh copy of the real db.  Redirects will 
> be in place so that old url's send you over to the new site.
> If things go badly, I'll abort and make d.puremagic.com/issues/ read-write 
> again and try again after resolving whatever issues caused me to give up 
> tonight.
> Hopefully things will all go smoothly, and apologies in advance if they 
> don't. :)
> Later,
> Brad

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