Hi everyone,

there's a new XamarinStudio version upcoming. And just as usual, I've just downloaded the bleeding-edge release candidate and made Mono-D run on it :P

For the next couple of days, you'll only be able to get Mono-D from the repo I've mentioned in the release note, as XamarinStudio's online addin system isn't ready for the new major version yet.

Furthermore, there have been some smaller changes & improvements to the completion functionality again. There's also upcoming dustmite support where you'll be able to invoke dustmite from within Mono-D.


Hopefully, I can release the new XamarinStudio/MonoDevelop version on Linux as well. Someone mentioned an API freeze for the next couple of XS/MD versions, so chances are good that there's no hassle with broken Mono-D's for the next months.


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