Am 15.05.2014 17:02, schrieb Mike Parker:
I managed to let this little anniversary slip by me. My first post in
the old Derelict forum at DSource[1] is dated May 6, 2004, my initial
commit to svn[2] was May 7, and my announcement in the newsgroup[3] was
on May 8. My attention to the project has waxed and waned, but I'm still
puttering along. I expect to continue for the forseeable future.

There have been a number of contributors over the years who have helped
out in porting to Linux and Mac, fixing bugs, and keeping the bindings
up to date. It's been very much a community project, which has made it
more enjoyable to work on. It helps that it isn't difficult to maintain :)

Maybe before the next decade goes by I'll actually finish a game in D,
which is the reason I started Derelict in the first place.

For those who don't know, the current iteration of Derelict can be found
at the DerelictOrg group at github[4]. I've still got work to do on it
(ahem, documentation), but it's coming along.


Congratulations! I've been using it now since about seven years and it has been a great help to get started.

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