On Tuesday, 20 May 2014 at 22:18:14 UTC, FrankLike wrote:
Nice work.
Some days ago,I test the hello world ,it need 19M Memory Usage,but now,it's 31M,maybe have some error?
Thank you.
Nice work.

Not as bad as you expected.

Tried win32 release build w/o USE_SDL and USE_OPENGL version
constants (using win32 API only).

helloworld.exe executable size 813k, memory 6.6M on start
example1.exe executable size 847k, memory 6.7M on start
As I see, memory consumption grows while app is working.
Probably, extra GC allocations, or some resources leaking.

Can be reduced a bit, e.g. by moving to libpng from libfreeimage.

Main limitation here - app needs buffer for 32bit RGBA bitmap
buffer to draw into.

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