On Saturday, 24 May 2014 at 21:01:13 UTC, sclytrack wrote:
I would have preferred slides though. I'm not so good at listening. The visual impact helps ME better at remembering.

Yea, they were on my todo list, I was just too lazy and/or distracted to do it. But I'm not sure they would have been really informational anyway; I think a talk is a terrible way to deliver information and one of the reasons I was stalled/procrastinating on this is I didn't have a good solution to that problem. If I want to deliver info, I'd prefer to do it in writing such as emails, blogs or traditional code documentation.

(The best idea I had to work around this deficiency was to script it ahead of time with supporting photographs or occasional data tables to give you an associated image to remember the concept, and post the script along with any supporting material to the 'net later. But I didn't know how many words would fit in an hour and writing a script is a pain anyway so my laziness kicked in.)

But ultimately, I decided my primary goal wasn't to deliver information but to instead sell a feeling so you might be stirred to try some new things on your own.

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