Brian Schott, el 27 de May a las 20:03 me escribiste:
> On Tuesday, 27 May 2014 at 19:44:01 UTC, Andrew Edwards wrote:
> >Really? What I got out of it was that D doesn't need people like
> >him because his job is to explain the inconsistencies of the
> >language. By designing a consistent language in the first place,
> >people can readily understand it in all context thereby
> >eliminating the need for people like him.
> Another point is that D is still small enough that we have time to
> fix things before they get out of control.
> (One of my favorite parts of this talk is when he points out that
> you need parenthesis in a specific kind of lambda just because the
> committee forgot to update the grammar specification.)

This is very related to Don's message of last year's talk about ROI of
breaking changes.

Leandro Lucarella (AKA luca)           
Y serán tiempos de vanos encuentros entre humano y humano; en que las
fieras se comerán entre ellas y después del final; en que se abríran las
tierras y los cielos... y en el medio de la nada Racing saldrá campeón.
        -- Ricardo Vaporeso

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