12-Jun-2014 16:25, Dicebot пишет:
On Thursday, 12 June 2014 at 09:17:45 UTC, Dmitry Olshansky wrote:
This one thing I'm loosing sleep over - what precisely is so good in
CTFE code generation in _practical_ context (DSL that is quite stable,
not just tiny helpers)?

By the end of day it's just about having to write a trivial line in
your favorite build system (NOT make) vs having to wait for a couple
of minutes each build hoping the compiler won't hit your system's
memory limits.

Oh, this is a very good question :) There are two unrelated concerns here:

It's always nice to ask something on D NG, so many good answers I can hardly choose whom to reply ;) So this is kind of broadcast.

Yes, the answer seems spot on - reflection! But allow me to retort.

I'm not talking about completely stand-alone generator. Just as well generator tool could be written in D using the same exact sources as your D program does. Including the static introspection and type-awareness. Then generator itself is a library + "an invocation script" in D.

The Q is specifically of CTFE in this scenario, including not only obvious shortcomings of design, but fundamental ones of compilation inside of compilation. Unlike proper compilation is has nothing persistent to back it up. It feels backwards, a bit like C++ TMP but, of course, much-much better.


Reflection. It is less of an issue for pure DSL solutions because those
don't provide any good reflection capabilities anyway, but other code
generation approaches have very similar problems.

By doing all code generation in separate build step you potentially lose
many of guarantees of keeping various parts of your application in sync.

Use the same sources for the generator. In essence all is the same, just relying on separate runs and linkage, not mixin. Necessary "hooks" to link to later could indeed be generated with a tiny bit of CTFE.

Yes, deeply embedded stuff might not be that easy. The scope and damage is smaller though.


Moving forward. You use traditional reasoning of DSL generally being
something rare and normally stable. This fits most common DSL usage but
tight in-language integration D makes possible brings new opportunities
of using DSL and code generation casually all other your program.

Well, I'm biased by heavy-handed ones. Say I have a (no longer) secret plan of doing a next-gen parser generator in D. Needless to say swaths of non-trivial code generation. I'm all for embedding nicely but I see very little _practical_ gains in CTFE+mixin here EVEN if CTFE wouldn't suck. See the point above about using the same metadata and types as the user application would.

I totally expect programming culture to evolve to the point where
something like 90% of all application code is being generated in typical
project. D has good base for promoting such paradigm switch and reducing
any unnecessary mental context switches is very important here.

This was pretty much the point I was trying to make with my DConf talk (
and have probably failed :) )

I liked the talk, but you know ... 4th or 5th talk with CTFE/mixin I think I might have been distracted :)

More specifically this bright future of 90%+ concise DSL driven programs is undermined by the simple truth - no amount of improvement in CTFE would make generators run faster then optimized standalone tool invocation. The tool (library written in D) may read D metadata just fine.

I heard D builds times are important part of its adoption so...

And these couple of minutes are more like 30 minutes at a times. Worse
yet unlike proper build system it doesn't keep track of actual changes
(same regex patterns get recompiled over and over), at this point
seamless integration into the language starts felling like a joke.

And speaking of seamless integration: just generate a symbol name out
of pattern at CTFE to link to later, at least this much can be done
relatively fast. And voila even the clunky run-time generation is not
half-bad at integration.

Unless things improve dramatically CTFE code generation + mixin is
just our funny painful toy.

Unfortunately current implementation of frontend falls behind language
capabilities a lot. There are no fundamental reasons why it can't work
with better compiler.

It might solve most of _current_ problems, but I foresee fundamental issues of "no global state" in CTFE that in say 10 years from now would look a lot like `#include` in C++. A major one is there is no way for compiler to not recompile generated code as it has no knowledge of how it might have changed from the previous run.

In fact, deadlnix has made a very good case for
SDC taking over as next D frontend exactly because of things like CTFE JIT.

Yeah, we ought to help him!

Dmitry Olshansky

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