On Tuesday, 15 July 2014 at 18:47:28 UTC, bearophile wrote:
The talk was nice, and it's the chance I was waiting to ask a question to the speaker.

I've read a very nice paper (+ slides) about using some specialized but simple type system rules to make less bug-prone the bit-twiddling kind of code, "Bit-Level Types for High-Level Reasoning" by Ranjit Jhala, Rupak Majumdar:


I'd like to use those ideas in D, they are useful for low-level or embedded programming.

The D type system (and D syntax) seem enough to implement most of them without changes to the D language (or with small changes, but you can't tell before you have tried implementing them with the current language).

So are those things a good addition to Phobos for your kind of programming? (additions to the language can be discussed later).


You may have to summarize it for me, because in my few minutes of scanning the slides and the PDF, I don't see much difference between what the authors are proposing and what's provided by std.bitmanip. (But the paper is pretty researchy, and its hard to see the forest through the trees).

I use absolute indexes in my code rather than bitwitdhs. I do this because my datasheet uses absolute indexes, and it's important for me to be able to cross-reference to my datasheet, at a glance. This is why I didn't use std.bitmanip.

My other goal is to enforce mutability and access. I want to make sure I, or my users, know, at compile time, when they are trying to write to a read-only bitfield or otherwise access a bitfield incorrectly.

And finally, I want to reduce code size and increase performance. I don't want to do read-modify-write if I don't have to, not just for threading concerns, but because that usually results in more instructions which is detrimental to both code-size and performance. And, for the same reason, I don't want function-call overhead.

Anything that helps me achieve these goals is great. D's CTFE, templates, and mixins really came through for me here.

My registers are modeled like this (enabled by my mmio.d - https://github.com/JinShil/memory_mapped_io/blob/master/source/mmio.d):

final abstract class RCC : Peripheral!(0x00003800)
final abstract class CR : Register!(0x00, Access.Byte_HalfWord_Word)
        alias PLLI2SRDY = Bit!(27, Mutability.r);
        alias PLLI2SON  = Bit!(26, Mutability.rw);
        alias PLLRDY    = Bit!(25, Mutability.r);
        alias PLLON     = Bit!(24, Mutability.rw);
        alias CSSON     = Bit!(19, Mutability.rw);
        alias HSEBYP    = Bit!(18, Mutability.rw);
        alias HSERDY    = Bit!(17, Mutability.r);
        alias HSEON     = Bit!(16, Mutability.rw);
        alias HSICAL    = BitField!(15, 8, Mutability.r);
        alias HSITRIM   = BitField!(7, 3, Mutability.rw);
        alias HSIRDY    = Bit!(1, Mutability.r);
        alias HSION     = Bit!(0, Mutability.rw);

... and are used like this:

    RCC.CR.HSION = true;

This provides me a high-level abstraction to my bit manipulations, named fields, no overhead, and compile-time enforcement of constraints.

What in the authors' proposal is different than what is offered by std.bitmanip, and how could I leverage it to achieve the goals stated here?


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