Thanks Aldo for this very important work! Very sad to see you move on.
Thanks also to Rainer for taking on another big project.

I wouldn't be a D user if it weren't for both of your work.

I think this stuff is much more important than the attention it tends to
gets by this relatively Linux biased community.
I suspect there is a much larger number of Windows based users and lurkers
than the representation in this forum tends to suggest.

On 10 August 2014 13:33, Aldo Nunez via Digitalmars-d-announce <> wrote:

> Greetings to all Mago Debugger, Visual D, and interested D users.
> After 5 years, I can no longer continue development of Mago Debugger. The
> project requires too much attention for me to keep working on it while
> keeping my family happy.
> I learned a ton, and feel satisfied to have contributed to the D
> Programming Language.
> I'm handing off the project to Rainer Schuetze. He has forked it at github
> ( If you're interested in contributing
> to it, please contact him.

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