On 10/06/2014 02:15 PM, Sönke Ludwig wrote:
Am 06.10.2014 13:36, schrieb bioinfornatics:
Thanks for your works,

One question, what about makefile support ?


It's still in need for a volunteer. The implementation itself should be
pretty straightforward (by inheriting from the ProjectGenerator class),
but I currently have too much higher priority stuff on my table to get
that done (plus generally severely limited time due to an accumulation
of work and non-work related things).

I don't suppose there's documentation on the ProjectGenerator class? I was (briefly) looking into subclassing that for a "compiler cmdline args" output that I think would be helpful, but based on a (again, rather brief) glance at and its subclasses I had some trouble grokking how it worked. I'll have to take a look again though.

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