I would expect to be using an ObjcObject instead of an NSObject here, but this does not compile. The signature of the target action seems to be irrelevant, it may have no or more parameters. I guess this is just
ok and the expected behavior.

Hmm, that sounds strange. What exact errors do you get?

source/appdelegate.d(47): Error: function
appkit.tableview.NSTableView.setDoubleAction (objc_selector*
aSelector) is not callable using argument types (extern
(Objective-C) void __selector(ObjcObject))

Line 46 & 47:

auto doubleAction = &AppDelegate.doubleClickAction ;
demoTableView.setDoubleAction(doubleAction) ;

Line 80:

void doubleClickAction(ObjcObject sender) {

actually, when line 46 & 47 are like above, it doesn't matter if
I change ObjcObject to NSObject, but I guess my problem here is
how Map the function in tableview.d:

void setDoubleAction(objc.runtime.SEL aSelector)
[setDoubleAction:] ;

[1] https://github.com/jacob-carlborg/dmd/blob/d-objc/test/runnable/objc/objc_selector.d

I know Dip 43 almost by heart now, but I haven't yet discovered
the tests you wrote. Nice, this will be extremely helpful.

  • Re: D/Objective-C 64bit Christian Schneider via Digitalmars-d-announce
    • Re: D/Objective-C 64bi... Jacob Carlborg via Digitalmars-d-announce
      • Re: D/Objective-C ... Christian Schneider via Digitalmars-d-announce
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          • Re: D/Obje... John Colvin via Digitalmars-d-announce
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          • Re: D/Obje... Christian Schneider via Digitalmars-d-announce
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