On 12/2/2014 2:20 PM, Vladimir Panteleev wrote:
DSource in the headlines? In 2014? Shocking, I know.

Since Brad is no longer an active D user, and the website has had spotty uptime
lately, I've offered to take over the hosting and any maintenance.

Although opinions exist that the site should simply be shut down, I think
archiving it would be a better approach. The website has historical relevance to
the D community, and might be required to get ancient D code running again. For
example, we could make things read-only and make it obvious on every project
page that "we don't go to DSource any more". I can't exactly undertake a large
redesign, but we can discuss our options.

This is good news. Keeping it available is what is most important. I wonder if the projects themselves can be migrated to github - then if someone wants to update one and add it to dub, that'd be cool.

Planet D (planet.dsource.org) is moved as well, and should continue to operate
merrily. If your D blog's not there, let me know!

Pretty dazz!

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