On Monday, 2 February 2015 at 04:57:10 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:
I can't believe it, but yet another week has already passed, so up late to release this again!


Early bird registration open for DConf, 2015 Vision released, GUI and Windows development on the forums.

Today's tip is about class destructors, and Project Spotlight makes a return to introduce simpledisplay.d, in the first in what will become a series that walks us through making a bit of a little game in D. (Expect this to not be each week, it takes me a long time to write the project spotlight and I've been very busy lately and expect to continue being busy in the coming weeks. I'll probably try to do it every other week rather than every week.)



Thanks adam. The simpledisplay.d stuff is very interesting. Must play around with it soon!

p.s. Hope the search for your dog went well.

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