With master dmd I'm getting

milf.d(2): Error: ';' expected following module declaration instead of is
milf.d(2): Error: no identifier for declarator aliced
milf.d(99): Deprecation: typedef is removed
milf.d(223): Error: basic type expected, not ;
milf.d(223): Error: no identifier for declarator int
milf.d(352): Error: no identifier for declarator CellCons
milf.d(352): Error: declaration expected, not 'body'
milf.d(359): Error: found 'body' instead of statement
milf.d(374): Error: expression expected, not 'body'
milf.d(380): Error: expression expected, not 'body'
milf.d(760): Error: expression expected, not 'auto'
milf.d(760): Error: found 's' when expecting ')'
milf.d(760): Error: found '=' instead of statement
milf.d(795): Error: declaration expected, not 'if'
milf.d(796): Error: declaration expected, not 'if'
milf.d(799): Error: declaration expected, not 'for'
milf.d(799): Error: declaration expected, not ')'
milf.d(801): Error: declaration expected, not 'if'
milf.d(802): Error: no identifier for declarator stloc
milf.d(802): Error: declaration expected, not '='
milf.d(804): Error: function declaration without return type. (Note that constructors are always named 'this')

Also, there was no alias usize = size_t;
There is no typedef and body is reserved word.

Here is what I got: https://gist.github.com/MrSmith33/9bedde7b0721a6b40666

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