On Wednesday, 25 March 2015 at 13:21:21 UTC, Iain Buclaw wrote:
On 25 Mar 2015 12:15, "Russel Winder via Digitalmars-d-announce" <
digitalmars-d-announce@puremagic.com> wrote:

On Wed, 2015-03-25 at 11:25 +0000, wobbles via Digitalmars-d-announce
> On Tuesday, 24 March 2015 at 23:32:38 UTC, Kingsley wrote:
> > > > Here are the details - spread the word:
> > > >
> > > > http://www.meetup.com/London-D-Programmers/events/220610394/
> > > >
> > > > thanks
> > > >
> > > > --Kingsley
> >
> > Thanks for all who came to the D meetup. The champion tank > > of > > the evening goes to runaway.d by Justin & Priya which > > defeated
> > all challengers swiftly and in style :)
> >
> > Looking forward to the next meetup.
> Any videos of the fights? (Or were they all robot fights?)

The activity was captured by the good folk of Skills Matter.

It is worth noting the name of the winning "tank" exemplified it's strategy. It can be characterized by a quote from Monty Python and the
Holy Grail:  run away, run away.

Whilst there, I didn't get around to writing a tank strategy, I spent too long looking at, and analysing, Kingsley's little framework – oh and chatting with Laeeth about D, Go, computational finance, etc.

Kingsley's code is (mostly) great; hopefully I and others can help evolve this via pull requests, to be something we can put before CAS and others for inclusion in Key Stage 3 and 4 educational materials. <Long explanation of new UK computing education system elided.> This would be a great way of getting young people interested in native code after Scratch and Python. D and Java would be a good combination.

Great stuff. I would have tried to come up, but with moving home and all...
Vacated the flat this morning. :-o


Here is the video:

the fun starts at 16:48

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