In the light of problems with SVN on dsource, the Bindings project has been migrated to GitHub on a trial basis. Apparently this is more or less the last "active" project on Dsource, so after a brief discussion on another thread I have decided to give it a try.

So it's now at:

Please don't confuse this with dsource-bindings, which is an automatically updated mirror of the Dsource project. The one I have linked to is a new repository on GitHub which may become the live repository for the Bindings project.

For those of you who are still unfamiliar with GitHub, it's a Subversion repository just like we had on dsource, so you don't need to learn a new way of working or obtain any new tools - you just need to set up a GitHub account if you don't have one already.

Could people please try checking out the project on GitHub, and committing a change? There's still plenty of work to do on WindowsAPI so you could do some of the work there. (The wiki is broken at the moment, so I don't recommend trying to edit the module list there, but as a temporary measure you could just post on this thread if you're going to do some major work on one or more of the files.)

Failing that, there's a file test.txt (directly under trunk) which you could make a dummy edit to. But whatever you do, please be sure to reply to this thread to let me know whether or not you could commit successfully.

If the decision is made to relocate Bindings permanently to GitHub, the wiki pages will be migrated in due course.


My email address is valid but not my primary mailbox and not checked regularly. Please keep replies on the 'group where everybody may benefit.

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