On Friday, 17 April 2015 at 21:34:07 UTC, Stewart Gordon wrote:
Has Walter promised us that every pull request for the WindowsAPI bindings will be put in right away?

Pull requests are merged once they pass review and automatic testing. Walter Bright is not the only person who can merge pull requests - anyone with commit access can.

Even if he had, what would be the point? It would greatly slow down the whole process. We have SVN repositories so that people can just put their updates straight in,

Only those who have access can do that. Getting patches into the bindings repository has been historically difficult. Committers have had to commit patches on behalf of other people.

and everyone else not only has access to the update straight away but can obtain it with either a one-line command line invocation or a few mouse clicks.

Git is not different in this regard. Proposed changes are immediately available in your personal fork.
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