On 16/08/2015 6:30 a.m., FreeSlave wrote:
Currently I'm working on mime library for D. Dub page:
It can parse MIME database files, including binary ones, like
mime.cache. It also has algorithms for mime type detecting by file name.

It's not fully implemented yet and does not have stable API. Issues and
goals are listed on the github page: https://github.com/MyLittleRobo/mime

If someone is interested in the project, I would be glad to discuss
interface and implementation details of the library.

If you don't know what is shared MIME database and why does it matter
read this:

I had an mime implementation in Cmsed that basically was a hard coded file with a whole bunch of mime types along with file extensions.

I would be interested in seeing if this can match it 1:1 for features, while not allocating. Say give me the mime type for payload.

Possibly with its own override/addition csv files.

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